2015 Fat 2 Fab Reboot

Happy New Year’s all you resolution junkies! Let’s get this thing re started shall we!

Let’s see where did I leave off… Oh ya… So I started last year all gung ho about losing weight.  I had a very carefully planned out my entire year of health and fitness and was well on my way to success.  I made it a solid 30 days, into the New Year, without so much as a cheat day and was feeling like a rock star.  In 30 days I managed to squash 15lbs of turkey fat and was seeing results faster than I had ever imagined possible… and then… I found out I was pregnant!  It seemed my new healthy, unclogged, un-poisoned body got excited and wanted to grow a baby.  My fiancé and I were thrilled however that did mean we had to change our wedding plans slightly.  So here we are same time as last year, same goals to meet, and 15lbs heavier than when I started.

Now that our reintroduction is complete, let’s talk health! Is dieting healthy? Is restricting yourself from certain foods really just setting yourself up to fail? If so, how the heck are we supposed to lose weight!!!????!!! One of the biggest problems I found when trying to shed my lbs was the amount of “advise” people like to give.

First of all, I was, and still am, eating junk food 90% of every day and washing that down with diet pop and or alcohol and no one seems to have an opinion or care.  Aside from the occasional raw vegan activist I don’t ever hear about how unhealthy my eating habits are.  So why is it that every time I start changing my diet and eating healthy everyone seems to want to put in their two cents? When I cut bread out of my life I would hear things like, “if you restrict the foods you can eat it’s only going to set you up to fail.” or my favorite “It’s not healthy to cut out carbs.” Really!? It’s not healthy to stop eating processed carbohydrates?! Maybe there are valid points in these statements, however I am 100% sure that cutting out carbs is healthier than eating nothing but fast food for 12 days straight.  Don’t you? So why does everyone feel comfortable talking to your about the negatives of dieting, but rarely will talk about the negatives of unhealthy eating patterns.

Once the world is aware of the fact you are dieting everyone and their mother has advice.  Most of the advice is contradictory and almost all of it is completely hypocritical.  I am always open to positive suggestions on things that work for others.  What I dislike is the “advise” that is basically just telling me what I am doing won’t work.  I think that is the best way to unmotivated me.  I get excited when I am on a good path and I want to share it with the world, then to have someone come up to me and tell me all my hard work is for nothing because I am doing it wrong is just a huge buzz kill. So how am I supposed to do it right?  If I eat healthy I am restricting foods I like, which is doomed to fail.  If I don’t restrict food then I am exactly where I am right now, which is completely, miserably fat and unhealthy. If I follow a diet it is doomed to fail because it’s not a life style change, or whatever, but if I don’t have a plan then again I am exactly where I am. This is a tricky game to play.

I don’t know maybe I should just stop sharing my success and let everyone believe I am still filling my body with junk.  Either way I am determined to get this body fit and healthy and ready for my wedding Jan 1st 2016.

Hello Shit Storm My Name is Brooke

And we are back.  Last month proved to be an exceptionally difficult time in my life.  A wrench was thrown right into the center of my weight loss, although a great surprise and very exiting news it really threw off my health kick almost completely.  You may have guessed it by now but here it is anyways, I am pregnant! That however is not at all the shit storm, that is exciting and wonderful.  The shit storm is the series of events following the great news.  First of all as fun and exciting the initial pregnancy discovery was it was the complete opposite of what I had planed for this year, but non the less I was determined to get through it with joy and happiness.  Joy and happiness almost immediately was replaced with morning sickness and emotional chaos (yay hormones).  I was not able to exercise, work was extremely difficult to deal with, and I own my own business so it the stress was that much greater and I didn’t feel like going out and seeing or talking to anyone.  I just wanted to curl up in a ball and wait it out.  Soon I became very lonely.   I am not the kind of person who usually stays at home, in fact I am pretty sure I am a certified FOMO.(fear of missing out), so being at home or at work alone all day has been really hard to handle.  Pregnancy has been really really lonely this time.  I don’t know what to do about it, I feel kinda stuck.   I feel like I have gone from finally gaining control over my health, emotions, appetite and body, to having 0 control over anything.   I don’t get to decide what I want to eat or even what I like to eat anymore everything has changed.  I have no self control over my hunger, in fact I feel more ill if I am even the slightest bit hungry, but if I eat the wrong foods (onions mostly) then I get even sicker than that.   To top February off I had my business partner/mother quit (never work with your parents) and was left to pay for all the bills and everything my self, but even that wasn’t so bad because I still had my brother to help out around the shop.  As of yesterday he stopped coming to work though so now I am really hooped.  Although I have to say somethings were harder with him around.  He is a young adult/old teen and he pretty much ate $200-300 in groceries in a month not to mention the gas I spent driving him around to colleges and work shops and what ever he needed, so at least that is over and I just have to worry about my son, my unborn and me… and my business, and how I am going to pay all the bills and my other 2 part time jobs and my pets…. ugh…. oh and the cherry on the cake is TAX SEASON! I have no idea what I am doing in terms of taxes this year.  I have never owned a business before.  I am kinda freaking out.

Anyways last month was a write off when it came to health and fitness.  I am going to try and get back on track this month and see how things go. 

10 Reasons Why I Will Reach My Goal To Be Healthy


  1. I am going to have my life back.  I will not be afraid or embarrassed of what people think of my weight.  I will not feel too fat to reconnect with old friends that knew me when I was skinny. I will feel confident on a hot summer day in a pair of shorts.  I will have shorts that actually look good and aren’t just for comfort.
  2. People will respect me.  People will want to hear what I have to say before I have even opened my mouth.  I will be motivational and inspiring to many.  People will find me humorous and not because I can make really fat ugly faces.
  3. I will not be afraid to follow my dreams.  I will get on stage and in front of the camera with no hesitance.  I will enjoy my life and my hobbies without a care.
  4. I will travel and explore this world and all it has to offer.  I will hike and bike and run and breathe in fresh air.  I will have friends and family along my side enjoying life to the fullest with me.
  5. I will have an amazing wardrobe.  I will be able to fit anything from any store and look good in it.  I will not have to limit myself to places that sell an XL or even XXL.  I will be free to explore the world of fashion like never before.
  6. I will look amazing in my wedding dress and photos and not be limited to certain angles to make me look good.  I will feel confident and happy marrying the man of my dreams.  I will truly enjoy the day without a care just as I should.
  7. My son will respect me as a person and mimic my healthy behaviors.  We will live an active, healthy life as a family.
  8. I will not fear expanding my family.  I will not let the fear of getting fatter stop me from having another child.
  9. I will feel more confident in my professional life.  I will take on meetings with pride not being afraid of how others see me.
  10. I will be balanced between health, fitness, work and family life.

Shower Power!

Today I attended an amazing baby shower.  Unfortunately all amazing baby showers have amazing cup cakes and cookies and amazing cheese spreads, I could go on.  So I fought the temptation of samosas and breaded meats and cup cakes and cookies, but the cheese, oh my, the cheese.  I just couldn’t help myself.  I managed to stay away from wheat so I will give myself points for that but I did manage to give in to a small piece of cream cheese stuffed chocolate.  CRAP. 

I have been having a hard time staying motivated.  I lost a lot of weight in the first three weeks but week 4 seems to be stumping me.  I am 5 days in and have only lost .2lbs.  This morning in an effort to kill my plateau I decided I would fast for 15hrs, because google said it might be a good idea.  13hrs in I went to a baby shower and caved completely.  I feel like slumping but I know that I can get over this.  I don’t think I have ever made it this far in terms of living a healthy life, usually I would have given up by now.  I suppose I can be proud that I have made it to my first plateau ever.  But now what.  Does anyone out there have some awesome plateau killing tips?

I can say today I feel I indulged.  I am sure to be satisfied for a while now.    


Good evening all!

Tonight I purchased myself a Wii Fit U game and I can’t wait to get a crack at it.  I find my shopping addiction helps me overcome many obstacles in weight loss journey.  I had to re learn to consider groceries as a legit shopping experience.  From getting new work out gear, runners, gym memberships, books etc. shopping has been a big motivator for me.   I do feel that I am going over board and I am sure this is not the “right way” to get active and healthy, but hey, what ever gets you moving right?

So back to my latest purchase, the Wii Fit U.  They have some pretty cool features on this new game.  I already had the balance board so I just purchased the game that comes with a pedometer.  Of course the game comes with a bunch of new obstacles and mini games that keep you moving, but what I was really excited about was the weight tracking features.  You can now add pictures of you face to your calendar every time you log it.   SO COOL.  I have yet to try out most of the new stuff as this was a last minute purchase at 10:30pm. 

So mortifying news for the day; my Wii thinks I am obese.  WHO CARES though right?  I am working towards a healthy life and I will be in the healthy weight category in no time.  At the same time, damn I can’t believe I let myself get this overweight.  I never thought I would be called the O word.  I am just teetering on the border of Obese so hopefully I will wake up in the morning and find my self merely over weight.


Revision: I woke up in the morning to find my Wii being slightly nicer to me.   I am officially over weight.

Only a Woman Would Understand

This week has been trialing.  I have just experienced the hardships of a healthy life style while experiencing PMS.  Ugh I have never wanted chocolate or carbs more than I do today.  I realise this is something only ladies will relate to so men need not read on. 

I woke up this morning with my normal excitement to check the scale for any progress in the weight loss portion of my health.   The last two days I have seen no movement in the weight department so I was sure today was my day.  As I headed upstairs I started to feel the cramps.. the ever dreaded once a month beastly cramps that make it next to impossible to stay motivated to do anything.  I almost went back to bed, but I didn’t, I kept up those stairs clutching my lower back with determination in my eyes.  I proceeded to my normal morning routine even though the pain in my back and stomach urged me to get back to bed.   I did all the usual things to make myself as light as possible (disrobe, morning pee, take off glasses, take out hair ties etc.) and proceeded on the scale.  NOT EVEN AN OUNCE was lost.  I was furious and started to feel my blood boil and my hormones get the better of me.  I marched back down stairs and plopped back into bed.  3 days in a row and no movement. 

So needless to say, I am feeling defeated today and I just need some encouragement to keep on going.  I have currently taken to drinking coke 0 to try and synch my craving for sweets and have yet to indulge my carb craving.  Any thoughts, words or quotes of encouragement are greatly welcomed at this point.