2015 Fat 2 Fab Reboot

Happy New Year’s all you resolution junkies! Let’s get this thing re started shall we!

Let’s see where did I leave off… Oh ya… So I started last year all gung ho about losing weight.  I had a very carefully planned out my entire year of health and fitness and was well on my way to success.  I made it a solid 30 days, into the New Year, without so much as a cheat day and was feeling like a rock star.  In 30 days I managed to squash 15lbs of turkey fat and was seeing results faster than I had ever imagined possible… and then… I found out I was pregnant!  It seemed my new healthy, unclogged, un-poisoned body got excited and wanted to grow a baby.  My fiancé and I were thrilled however that did mean we had to change our wedding plans slightly.  So here we are same time as last year, same goals to meet, and 15lbs heavier than when I started.

Now that our reintroduction is complete, let’s talk health! Is dieting healthy? Is restricting yourself from certain foods really just setting yourself up to fail? If so, how the heck are we supposed to lose weight!!!????!!! One of the biggest problems I found when trying to shed my lbs was the amount of “advise” people like to give.

First of all, I was, and still am, eating junk food 90% of every day and washing that down with diet pop and or alcohol and no one seems to have an opinion or care.  Aside from the occasional raw vegan activist I don’t ever hear about how unhealthy my eating habits are.  So why is it that every time I start changing my diet and eating healthy everyone seems to want to put in their two cents? When I cut bread out of my life I would hear things like, “if you restrict the foods you can eat it’s only going to set you up to fail.” or my favorite “It’s not healthy to cut out carbs.” Really!? It’s not healthy to stop eating processed carbohydrates?! Maybe there are valid points in these statements, however I am 100% sure that cutting out carbs is healthier than eating nothing but fast food for 12 days straight.  Don’t you? So why does everyone feel comfortable talking to your about the negatives of dieting, but rarely will talk about the negatives of unhealthy eating patterns.

Once the world is aware of the fact you are dieting everyone and their mother has advice.  Most of the advice is contradictory and almost all of it is completely hypocritical.  I am always open to positive suggestions on things that work for others.  What I dislike is the “advise” that is basically just telling me what I am doing won’t work.  I think that is the best way to unmotivated me.  I get excited when I am on a good path and I want to share it with the world, then to have someone come up to me and tell me all my hard work is for nothing because I am doing it wrong is just a huge buzz kill. So how am I supposed to do it right?  If I eat healthy I am restricting foods I like, which is doomed to fail.  If I don’t restrict food then I am exactly where I am right now, which is completely, miserably fat and unhealthy. If I follow a diet it is doomed to fail because it’s not a life style change, or whatever, but if I don’t have a plan then again I am exactly where I am. This is a tricky game to play.

I don’t know maybe I should just stop sharing my success and let everyone believe I am still filling my body with junk.  Either way I am determined to get this body fit and healthy and ready for my wedding Jan 1st 2016.